7 Reasons To Trust God For Financial Independence

February 13, 2018 7:12 pm
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Are You Trusting God OR Money?Last week just before I was going to bed, the Lord showed me how we can trust God for financial independence. How did He do that? He showed me a comparison of depending upon Him or depending upon money. I’d like to share with you 7 reasons to trust God for financial independence.

In order for us to understand what it means to be financially independent, we need to know the meaning of dependence. The definition is: The state of relying on or being controlled by someone or something. Based on that meaning, which one would you prefer God or money?

For so many years I’ve gone back and forth trusting God and trusting money. I’ll be honest with you, I know that’s not what I’m suppose to do. I’m still learning even today. But that one evening changed my whole perspective on the possibility of living a life of being financially independent.

Depending on God vs Depending on Money

The Lord asked me question after question in regards to who am I REALLY depending upon when it comes to provision. What He revealed to me CONVINCED me it truly is possible to trust Him completely and be financially independent. So lets take a look at the questions He asked me to help you take a step in the right direction.

Who Really Cares About You?

The answer to that question is obvious. its God. He asked me if money really cares about me. Of course not. Then why would I depend upon money as my source of provision? Because GOD is the One we depend upon for ALL provision, right?

Who Really Loves You Unconditionally?

God Is Love. Love is of God. So the answer to that question is God. Money does not love us at all. So why would we depend up something that doesn’t care nor love us? Its a choice. We GET to choose to trust God for financial independence, don’t we?

Who Is Always There For You?

God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is with you ALL the time. Money on the other hand, can come and go in your life. We cannot rely nor depend upon money to meet all of our needs. Who would you rather put your trust in, one who is always with you or one that is unreliable?

Who Is Eternal?

We can put our trust in God because of who He is and what He promises. God is eternal and will be with us forever. Money on the other hand is temporal. Once we understand that, it will make it easier for us to rely upon God for everything in our lives.

Who Is Faithful?

The Scriptures tells us again and again that God IS Faithful. He IS Trustworthy. He created us to walk by faith and not by sight. Its so wise to put our trust and faith in the One who created us in the first place. Money is not faithful and never will be.

Who Knows You?

God knew you when you were in your mother’s womb. He created you before the beginning of time. He knows the end from the beginning. Why would you not trust the One who knows you? Money doesn’t have a clue what your destiny is and really doesn’t care for that matter. But God does!

Who Has Unlimited Resources?

One thing I really like about God is His Unlimitedness. (Its in the dictionary)  Jesus tells us with God ALL things are possible. He is ABLE to do exceedingly, abundantly above all you ask or think according to the power that works within you. (Ephesians 3:20) Money is limited. Money can only do so much.

There were many more questions the Lord asked me that life changing evening. But what I encourage you to do right now, is to ask the Lord to help you know His reasons to trust God for financial independence.

Which question did God ask me that gave you hope to trust God to live a financially independent lifestyle?

(Please leave your Comments below. Thank you)


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This post was written by Jeffrey Hardwick


  • Christine says:

    Who has unlimited resources? I was raised to believe that there is not enough. Taught to pray, knew who God was, but lived in a family that hardly had enough to get by. When I was born again, and my relationship with God began, I thought I trusted Him, but all my old mindset training remained. I could call Him my Father, but I didn’t trust that He would provide. I still struggle with this and it’s root is from childhood. I recognize it though and try to go to Him immediately before all the anxiety and fear thoughts kick in. I have a little debt that I want removed from my life. I know that He owns it all and He can set me free from it.

    • Jeffrey Hardwick says:

      Christine I know what its like having an old mindset that is NOT God’s will. When you chose to replace the lies with God’s Truth (His Promises) you’ll see a change.

  • Janell Bonaparte says:

    Thank you for sharing. I have been trusting money since I’ve been on disability. I had back surgery and could not do my job.
    I am thankful for this connection. I really needed this. Thank you for obeying GOD.

    • Jeffrey Hardwick says:

      Janell, you will find it easier to trust God instead of money. I look forward to hearing your testimony.

  • Karen says:

    Wow, does money really care about me? This word was for me, I got an amazing job in September and I was making more money than I had ever seen. It was so nice when my daughter came home and said she needed pants because hers ripped, I didn’t hesitate, I could just go get them. When she asked for $50.00 for a school function, I didn’t have to look at what bill I wasn’t going to pay this month. On December 6, 2017 I was laid off, I am trust God for everything and this is stretching me more than I have ever been before. I have never been out of work, and always had money even if little there was money coming in. I keep on applying for jobs, and now I trust Him to open the door at the right time. My right time wants to be yesterday, I’m trusting Him, He alone is worthy. Thank you for this word tonight, I will meditate and read again. God bless you my brother.

    • Jeffrey Hardwick says:

      Karen, meditating on this will surely change the way you see God, you and money. Keep me updated on your breakthrough.

  • Marti Jensen says:

    Who is eternal? (because of WHO HE IS & what He promises)He is my everything ! Jeff, I started a Life Group at CFAN -come Sat at 11am for Be In Health as Your Soul Prospers. We will be dealing with soul wounds and naturalists wonderful lessons on healthy eating and life style. (youtube: Barbara O’Neil and Richard Schulze and Katie Souza)

  • Priscilla Pcmebane g says:

    Very inspiring.