A Transforming Word



Today I asked myself, "Why do I blog?" I needed to know that answer before you knew why I blogged. My answer to that question came from my journaling time with God this morning.

He wanted me to know why I

If you don't know what a Soaking Prayer is, you're missing out. You GET to encounter God like never before as you soak in His presence. Not only will you feel His presence but you will also HEAR Him speak to

If someone came up to you and asked you, "Where do you hear God"?, what would you say? If you are like most people you would either say "I don't know" or "On the inside of me". But what if

What if God showed you easy ways to follow Him? Would you be willing to pursue Him? I believe God wants to make life so much simpler for you. When you understand His heart for you, you will WANT to

I know how it feels to go through a test from God. It can feel like the most challenging endeavour of my life, but I know God is faithful. He has a reason for us to go through a test

Many of you may be curious about my relationship with God. I get so many questions on how I can hear God so clearly. The key really comes down to my personal relationship with Him.

Over the past few years I

I want you to know how correction blesses you and those around you. There are not many people want to be corrected . When you are open to correction "God's Way", it blesses you abundantly.

The definition of correction is a

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My “A Transforming Word” Blog is about sharing my journey with God. You will learn my struggles with God as well as my Life Lessons I learned from my relationship with God.